Neural Network — Excerpts EPs trilogy
Design for a three part vinyl EP retrospective of ambient techno trio — Neural Network for re:discovery records.
re:discovery records mission to shine a light on lesser known 1990s electronic music continues with this Norwegian trio's work. The first two EPs, featuring tracks from the two albums they released, had to have artwork based on the original sleeves. The third EP is material from an unreleased third album. The typography and layouts tie the look and feel of all three together as a set.

For 'Excerpts 1993-1995 Part 1' I made an updated version of the Brain-State-In-A-Box album's neurons inspired artwork.

'Excerpts 1993-1995 Part 2' uses a slightly treated version of the original photo from the cover their second album – Modernité. The back features more images from the 1960s New York trip.

The cover for 'Unreleased Excerpts 1997' is based on a publicity photo of the group (also used on the inserts). Reducing the figures to outlines, I styled the cover image to be reminiscent of a computer chip wafer and came up with the idea of an artificial (neural) network — connecting the small squares together in three different patterns to form the figures. The back uses the same process to show the band name.

All typography is set in Eurostile as used on the back of the original Brain-State-In-A-Box artwork.

As with all re:discovery releases, these EPs came with an insert featuring background information on the artists and music from label boss Tim Humphrey and the band themselves. The same imagery (the band photo I used on the cover of 'Unreleased Excerpts 1997' and scans of old gig flyers) is used on all three and they are colour coded to each EP.

The seemingly random lines on the spines only make sense when all three sleeves are together.

Other designs I have done for re:discovery records include A Positive Life — Synaesthetic and Off The Sky — Gently Down The Stream.